
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recipe: Rocky Mountain Peaks Cookies

This recipe comes from the "Green Shutters Cook Book - Famous Nova Scotia Recipes from the kitchen of Hilda M. Zinck" printed in 1971 .  As with most cookbooks compiled by communities at this time, the recipes have a few "gaps" in them.  Often ingredients are called for without mentioning the amounts, or without complete descriptions, so your left wondering what the next step could be.  There are hardly ever pictures of what the dish is supposed to look like once it's completed.  This is one of those cookbooks.  This was one of my Nana's  cookbooks, so there's some nostalgia in making recipes from it.

The recipe I chose is call "Rocky Mountain Peaks" as it reminds me of the Winter Olympics that we've been watching everyday.  I'm not sure if these cookies turned out how they were supposed to, but are an gewy sweet treat!  They're very sweet and sticky so if you have sensitive teeth or children dressed in white - don't eat these!  My husband said they remind him of the half-moon pies and they remind me of Wagon Wheel cookies (I don't know if you have those here in the USA).
Above is the original recipe from the book, my modified version is below.

Adapted from "Green Shutters Cook Book"

2 eggs
2 cups confectioner's sugar
1 package dark chocolate chips
2 Tablespoons butter
1 cup chopped peacans
20 marshmallows (mini marshmallows may work better)

Beat the eggs well; add sugar.  Melt chocolate with butter and while hot add to egg and sugar mixture.  Add nut meats and marshmallows, stir together.  Drop on wax paper and allow to stand for a few hours, until firm (you may have to put them in the fridge to firm up).  Keep in a cool place.

Enjoy the sticky yummy mess!  Sarah

1 comment:

  1. They look great to me! Oh that book would drive me bonkers! I really don't like having to guess but I am sure when I write up my recipes I forget to mention a step here and there, it's only human. That's why I use so many photos, to remind me and show what I am doing. Speaking of which, great post!


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