
Friday, February 19, 2010

Frugal Friday: Vintage Children's Books

I absolutely love finding vintage children's books.  It's even better when you hit the "mother load" and they're all marked down in a thrift shop.  I got a bag full this week for less than $5.00.

This one is my favourite (copyright 1949) and you'll see lots of scans from it in the future here. 

It's my understanding that copyright laws do not apply to those items which are now "public domain", which is usually any books prior to 1964.  Find more information here over at Purple Kitty.

Look at these other gems I found all printed prior to 1964. 

I also found these wonderful books printed after 1964 but still treasures.

Check out more Frugal Friday ideas over at Life As Mom.

Enjoy!  Sarah

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