
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Recipe: Pork Roast with Apples (Slow Cooker)

I stumbled across this recipe yesterday around 4pm. I was frantically looking for a recipe for supper as I bought a Pork Sirloin Roast on sale that I wanted to cook.

Buying this went against the Eat-From-The-Pantry Challenge as I'm only supposed to eat out of my freezer this month. I was, honestly, just too lazy to defrost something and saw the roast on sale for only $2.43!! I was disciplined enough to skip over the other wonderful meat sales and managed to get only one thing. This, my friends, is a success for me! My deep freeze is always bursting with meat because every time I go to Price Chopper they have some reduced for quick sale. My lesson learned must be to stop buying until I finish what's in my freezer... especially when I already have a pork roast in there waiting to be eaten (ahem).

So, about this incredible recipe I found yesterday. This comes from a post over at Lucy's Kitchen - Crockpot Pot Roast. I love this blog as she has lots of pictures and she must cook like a fiend as she's got a ton a recipe's and they're all well organized and easy to search through.

I was a little reluctant to try this recipe at first as it was already 4pm and it's supposed to be made in a slow cooker for 6-8 hours. My roast was only 1.44lbs so I went for it and hoped for the best. Roasting it for 20min on 500 degrees to seal in the juices was a great idea. I think it made a big difference in the taste. Then I sliced the apples, put them in the slow cooker, added the seared roast, put thinly sliced white onions on top, then the sauce. I put my slow cooker on high and let it cook from 5-7pm. At 7pm I inserted a thermometer and couldn't believe it read 170 degrees -done!

This was good enough for a Sunday dinner or for very special company. I told my hubby that he should feel so lucky for having such a fancy meal on a Wednesday night! Like Lucy said in her post, I do think this is the best pork roast I've ever had!


2-3lb Pork Roast (mine was 1.44lb Pork Sirloin Roast)
4 apples, peeled, cored and chopped (I used Johnathan apples)
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced (I used white onion)
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup applesauce
1/2 cup apple juice

~ Trim excess fat from roast and season with salt and pepper. Preheat over to 500 degrees and cook for 20min. to seal in juices.
~ Spray bottom of slow cooker and add chopped apples.
~ In a small bowl, mix brown sugar, ground ginger, cinnamon, applesauce and apple juice. Set aside.
~ Chop onion and set aside.
~ Place roasted Pork Roast on top of apples, top with onions and sauce.
~ Cook on Low 6-8 hours until internal temperature reaches 170 degrees. (My 1.44lb roast cooked 2 hours on high and was done).

RECIPE UPDATE 13-March-2010 ~ I peeled then cut-up sweet potatoes and added these on top of the apples, then put the pork roast on top.  It was delicious and made for a heartier meal.

Printable Recipe

This would've been good served with peas or a side salad. We have no leftovers and ate the whole thing!
Happily submitted to the Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life As Mom where the Eat-From-The-Pantry Challenge continues! Go see what everyone is cooking!


  1. I am so glad you tried this and enjoyed it! Thanks for linking back to me. Have a great day!

  2. That looks yum!
    Here's a basic cream cheese frosting recipe: 8 oz. cream cheese, 1/2 cup butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, drizzle of milk. Beat until smooth.

    Will add this to the original post. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Your pork roast sounds delicious! thanks for sharing :)

  4. Looking for a slow cooker pork roast recipe and happened upon this one and see that you are from Nova Scotia - so am I and still living in NS. I am going to make this tonight - sounds awesome.


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