
Friday, January 22, 2010

Frugal Friday: My New KitchenAid Stand Mixer

Here she is! My beautiful new KitchenAid Stand Mixer!

I have dreamed about owning one of these for years! I've always enjoyed baking and have experienced a sore arm many times from using my hand-held mixer. I'd dread Bake Sales because of the amount of time it would take to prepare anything. And now... oh the possibilities!

This summer while visiting a friend, I spotted hers in the back of her kitchen hidden from view. Gasp! I said to her "Um, can I reorganize your kitchen a bit?". How bold of me, but she thought it was great! So, the first thing I moved was her mixer to the front-and-center of the kitchen. Ahh, now that's much better ;o) She's been doing lots of baking ever since, and I got a lovely loaf of banana bread her 8 year old daughter made using it.

Why didn't I have one before now? Because they cost a fortune! I just couldn't imagine or justify spending that much on a kitchen gadget.

For Christmas my darling hubby knew I wanted one. With so many options to choose from he was a bit overwhelmed so gave me a check for one instead. He knew I could swing a deal on just about anything ;o) So, I went to Macy's, selected one, and simply couldn't walk out of the store paying the full price of $300!

Then, I turned to my trusty deal-getter Craig's List! There's always someone selling their stand mixer on Craig's List. I saw lots advertised as NIB (new in box) but I didn't trust that they weren't stolen from somewhere. Prices for mixers on Craig's List ranged from $140 to $300. I wanted an odd colour though - cobalt blue - to go with my kitchen. So, I waited. Our local Walmart had 4 Quart White mixers for $199, Sam's Club $270 for White or Black, $290 for the Cobalt Blue. But, I waited and was patient. Taking my time until I saw what I wanted on Craig's List.

Then, there it was for $200 the exact colour and model I wanted. But it was over an hour's drive away. So I sent an email asking if they'd meet me halfway. Whoo-hoo! They said yes and now I have it! For only $200 with the beater, whip, hook, and grinder attachments!

It's been on my counter for over 2 weeks now as I was scared to death to use it! What if it doesn't work! What if I break it? So, last night I finally broke down and made a banana cake using this lovely recipe from Pamela Donnis and it worked great!

This mixer is going to have me baking my face off! I can see it now, cookies by the dozens, cakes for birthdays, sweets for the teachers, I'll be bringing baked goods to everything!

Now that I have my heart fluttering just talking about it.. I must finish my post and go bake something ;o) Happily submitted to Frugal Friday over at Life As Mom.

Oh, and go check out your local Craig's List. Always meet the buyer in a public place and enjoy the sweet deals!


  1. Great job! I absolutely love my Kitchenaid. She is the workhorse of my kitchen. I have some of the attachments, too. I use the cheese grater and the meat grinder the most. I love to use it for making bread, since I don't have the desire or energy to knead the dough by hand, LOL!
    I keep mine on my countertop, with a towel under it. That way I can easily slide it back and forth. You know how heavy it is!
    Well...use yours in good health!

  2. I LOVE my KA! I have the cheese grater, grain grinder, meat grinder/vegetable strainer, and the ice cream maker! I don't know what I did before I had it! LOL!

  3. Oh I LOVE My kitchen aid stand mixer! I finally got one after years of waiting too! My parents actually blessed me with mine one Christmas. I got the black one.
    Thanks for stopping by my cooking blog. I can see you like to cook as much as I do! And that's a good thing!
    Blessings to you.

  4. I LOVE my KitchenAid! Congratulations!!

  5. I was able to get a Kitchenaid type stand mixer. The brand was beaumark but it has a bigger motor (I think an 8)and it was on a clearance for 219. Canadian. Love it. I have fibromyalgia so the making of bread was nearly out, now I can make a double batch without any trouble at all. Well worth the price. Clare


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