
Monday, December 13, 2010

Simpler Times

*Sigh* It's been so busy lately.  I think this is what's called the "Christmas Rush".  This week I'll be baking lots and will have ooodles of delicious recipes to share soon.  For now,  let's curl up by the fire and relax.  Ahh, simpler times indeed.


from the book "Tell Me About Christmas"
by Mary Alice Jones
Illustrated by Marjorie Cooper
1958, Rand McNally & Company

This book was my Mum's :)


  1. :) Enjoy your baking and family holiday preparations. We must enjoy this work to pass the traditions on...

  2. Oh enjoy your baking. I am planning on making several extra goodies myself!!

  3. I really wish I had the time to curl up by the fire right about now. that looks so nice! I'm starting to get to the point in the season where I feel like an overwhelmed crazy woman!

    Enjoy your baking!

  4. I definitely love to relax by the fire this time of year!

    By the way, I just wanted to let you know that you have been commenting as "anonymous" on my blog. Luckily, I was able to figure out who you were so I could come and comment back. I'm guessing you commented as anonymous at some point and forgot to switch back.


Thank you for visiting my site :)
I appreciate you stopping by!
If you make any of these recipes, please link back your results.