
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fruit Salad with Plum, Madarin, Kiwi & Banana

Tired of the cold grey weather already?  Christmas sweets and comforts foods got you down?  Then make fruit salad!  This is so simple and quick to make.  Refresh yourself with a juicy salad that will brighten your day!

by Mum In Bloom

2 bananas
3 plums
3 kiwis
3 madarin oranges
lemon juice
sugar (or Truvia which is what I prefer)

Slice all the fruit into bite sized pieces, add a couple teaspoons of lemon (or lime or orange) juice, add sugar to taste and stir all together.

Yes, it's just that easy.

Printable Recipe

Happily submitted to Tastey Tuesdays over at A Beautiful Mess.

from the book "The Rainbow Dictionary"
by Wendell W. Wright, PH.D.
Asssited by Helene Laird
Illustrations by Joseph Low
1959 The World Publishing Company

I purchased this beautiful book at an auction for pennies!


  1. That is such a refreshing combo of fruits. Delicious!

  2. I just love Fruit Salad this time of the year. We always have it on the menu. Your recipe looks very good. Thank you for sharing and you have a great week.

  3. I don't really think of fruit salad in this freezing weather - but with a bit of hot brandy, or eggnog, it would be delish!

  4. Love this combination! I may use this for our Christmas brunch. Thanks for sharing and for always being such an encouragement on my blog!!


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