
Friday, November 26, 2010

Recipe Ideas for Leftovers

Painting by Alice in Paris, she's having a sale today!

I'm sure we're all surfing the internet today for recipes to use up our leftovers. 

Here are a  few I'd like to try:
Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole from Brown-Eyed Baker
Pilgrim Roll Ups from Ma What's for Dinner?
Turkey and Stuffing Cakes from Kraft Canada (use leftover stuffing, these are fantastic!)
Morning-After Cranberry Sauce Muffins from Serious Eats
Crunchy Pear & Celery Salad from Eating Well (great way to use up all the extra celery you chopped!)
Mixed Bean Salad from Martha and Me (use up those leftover green beans)
Pierogi with Potatoe Filling from Sweet Almond Tree
Too Much Pumpkin? from New Nostalgia



  1. Oh, Yummm. Thanks for sharing. Our favorite leftover meal is simply Hawiian haystacks. Only, we use leftover gravy, turkey, olives, mushrooms and pretty much anything from the day before all over rice and those chinese noodles from the store. It is the kids favorite part of the thanksgiving weekend because they love those things and we never have as good of choices are we do for that one weekend. Guess what we are having tonight????

  2. Patty Ann that sounds soooo good! WHat a unique idea! Thank you for sharing :)

  3. Sarah, what a nice surprise:) Thanks for sharing it!

  4. You always have the most adorable pics. It is long past Thanksgiving in Canada, but I will keep these in mind for Christmas... I love turkey leftovers.

  5. Hey Sarah! thanks for the leftover links! Those recipes look delicious!


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