
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Martha Mondays: Please Join Us ~ Next Recipe Herbed Flatbread

I've never made crackers before but I have always wanted to.  When I heard a friend of mine talk about how she makes hers I called her a "Food Snob" ;o)  Now that I've read this recipe in June 2010 Martha Stewart Living, I'm going to give it a try as it looks so simple.

Why not join us for Martha Mondays June 6th and blog to share how yours turned out?  For more information contact Martha and Me.

Photo from "Martha Stewart Living, June 2010 Magazine"


  1. Hi Sarah, I'll be doing this one. I have always wanted to make crackers too. Now that school is nearly over, I'll have more time for this. The kids get out tomorrow and staff, we have Mon and Tue.
    I hope more will join us, it's fun cooking and baking with everyone!

  2. I'll be doing this one too Sarah. I haven't participated in Martha Mondays for a while so I'm looking forward to making these crackers.

  3. I found your blog through your comment on Mysha's article today on Wisebread. I love your blog - I will be back often! And I love that it is ad-free. Mine is, too, and I always love to find others that are, also. There aren't many! :)

  4. I didn't know there's such a fun event out there. :-))Thanks for sharing the information.


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