
Sunday, June 27, 2010

CSA Week 2

This week's package ~ fresh eggs, swiss chard,
scallions, local honey, fresh basil,
fresh parsley, loose lemon herb tea.

We love picking-up our CSA each week and visiting the farm.  It's a delight when the owner is there as she knows so much about farming naturally and is always willing to answer any questions.

One of the farm dogs checking on the poor goat.

This week when we walked in the barn, there was a male goat laying in front of the fridge.  The farmer told us he was sad as she had to get rid of his 2 friends earlier that week. Because of this he hasn't eaten or drank anything in days.  He was obviously very sad and weak.  There is lots of other friends like cats, dogs, chickens, horses, cows, etc., for him around the farm but he wanted his two buddies.

A kitty asleep by the goat and a
chicken that followed us everywhere.

We gave him lots of love and she said it does help as she saw him take a drink earlier that day after other CSA families had come.  Hopefully we cheered him up enough to eat.

You might also enjoy these previous posts:
Our first CSA!
CSA Week 1

Enjoy your week!


  1. I sure like what you have done to your blog!
    Love the pictures and love farm life!

  2. Love it! And I love the bounty you picked up while there and the animals are fantastic. Nice.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Nr. 2 (Sorry, Sarah, English is my second language and tend to make very silly spelling mistakes). Please dismiss my first comment. Thanks.

    I feel very sorry for the goat. Poor guy.

  5. I feel sorry for the goat.

    I love farm fresh eggs. What are you going to make with them?

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. You are way down there in Kansas! I spent 5 months in TN last year and loved it. I had just joined my first CSA in Calgary but then left before any food arrived. Around here we buy a lot from the Hutterites. I'm still learning what is available.


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