
Thursday, June 17, 2010

CSA Week 1

I picked-up my first CSA package yesterday!  This is my first year purchasing a CSA and I'm excited by all the different fresh produce I'll receive each week.  This is from an established, local, organic farm.  In my box I received farm fresh eggs, kohlrabi, nappa cabbage, green shallots, and a Stevia plant. Also included is Buffalo Round Steak.
The best part about picking up my weekly package is visiting the farm.  The kids love to visit with the chickens, ducks, goats, horses, dogs and cats.  All the animals are very friendly and affectionate.  You can see how loved and taken care of they all are.

My CSA began late as it's been a terrible spring for planting as we've had many storms with torrential rains.  Two weeks ago we received one and a half inches of rain in four hours with a total of six and a half inches that week alone.  The farmer had to plant in the mud just to get things in the ground and have replanted 350 pounds of potatoes because the first planting rotted in the mud.  They're replanting 5 acres of ambrosia sweet corn this week.

Last night at dinner time a storm quickly came up, as often does here in Kansas, and dumped buckets of rain within an hour.  I'm sure this won't help my farmer any and all the planting she's trying to achieve.

I'm looking forward to preparing and sharing all the delicious recipes that I'll be making with my CSA produce each week.


  1. Oh, Kohlrabi. How wonderful It is very hard to find here. I have one farmer at our market that provides it.
    Have the same puppy at my house.

  2. I'm so excited you're doing this! I'm really anxious to see what you get this summer. I've been tempted to sign up for one here in Charlotte, but I've had a hard time plunking down the large one time payment. Maybe seeing your experience will help make the decision to try it out.

    Oh, and I've never had kohlrabi before. Can't wait to see what you make from it!

  3. My CSA is only a half share which was $325 for produce all through the growing season (about 25 weeks).

    A full share was out-of-budget for me at $600. I'll just need to plan and budget for it earlier as I'm sure it's worth it.

    Each season I'd spend well over $600 at the local farmer's markets and would do alot of impulse buying.


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