
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Recipe Bomb: Rosemary-Lavender Brownies

Don't they sound good?  I mean how can you go wrong with Brownies?  Oh, these were awful!  I mean just horrible.

I was so excited to make them because they sounded so different and new.  I borrowed dried lavender flowers off my good friend, then cut some fresh rosemary from my kitchen herbs.  I excitedly made these, took them out of the oven, waited and waited for them to cool.... then took my first bite.  Oh yuck!  I mean I had to spit it out and couldn't even swallow it yuck.  Then had to get a glass of water to wash the taste out yuck.

When my daughter tried them she thought they were fine (but I think she just didn't want to hurt Mum's feelings), and hubby said the same.. but didn't want another one.. ever.  I told them I love them but they didn't have to like them.  Then we all laughed and agreed that they taste like "medicine brownies".  Like some sort of horrible cough medicine that your mother used to force you to take.

My girlfriends tried them and one thought it was awful and my friend who gave me the lavender flowers for them actually like it (she must be biased because her flowers are in there) ;o)   I didn't want to throw out the whole tray but they were awful.  My friends laughed and said I could make a potpourri  out of them as they smelled so strong.  Seriously, as soon as you lift the cookie jar lid the smell of rosemary overtakes your senses.  So, I did throw them out :(

I guess rosemary is made for chicken but not for baking?  Next time I'll try them with just lavender flowers.


adapted from A Pinch Of

4 squares (four ounces) unsweetened chocolate
3/4 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers, crushed

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 13"x9" baking pan with foil; coat the foil with non-stick spray.

Melt the chocolate with the butter (2 minutes on high, if using a microwave). When the chocolate is completely melted, stir in the sugar. Add the eggs and vanilla, mixing well. Stir in the flour with the rosemary and the lavender until well blended.

Spread into prepared pan. Bake until brownies begin to pull away from the edges of the pan and the center is set, 30-35 minutes. Be careful not to overbake or they will be dry. Cool on a rack in the pan and then lift out the foil before

Did you "bomb" any recipes lately?  If so, share them in the comments below.  I think I'm going to start a Sunday link party on this next week (once I figure out how to make a button) so get your horrible recipes ready!
Enjoy!  Sarah

Here's some roller skating tips from our daughter :)


  1. at work we have lavender creme brulee... this recipe inspires me to make MORE lavender stuff! its so fancy! :)

  2. Now that sounds sooo good. I'll keep experimenting with the lavender as I have lots left. I love fancy :)

  3. Thanks for keeping it real! I am not that adventurous with cooking, but have bombed many craft projects!!


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