
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recipe Bomb: Maple-Bacon Quiche

As part of Martha Mondays over at Martha and Me we made Maple-Bacon Quiche.  This week's recipe was selected by Pru over at Perfecting Pru.  I joined in the fun because I'd already "perfected" the Pate Brisee crust when I made Maple-Nut Pie

This recipe was unecessarily complicated to make.  There were so many steps that I don't know if I ruined the recipe by making it wrong or if it was supposed to turn out this way.  It took FOREVER to make and there was a million little steps and details.  I mean, this is quiche right?  Quiche is supposed to be easy, not complicated.  I should make my easy Brocolli Quiche today just to prove how simple it should be.

Here's a summary of the number of steps involved.  Make your Pate Brise (luckily I already had one of the crusts ready in the fridge), roll it out, place in quiche dish (I didn't have a springform pan and I'm not even sure what that is anyway), prick with fork.  Place crust in freezer for 30 minutes - don't ask me why.

While crust is in freezer, cook 8 slices of bacon (this was almost the whole pack of the thick sliced bacon I had), save some of the drippings, drain bacon on papertowl and break into pieces.  Take pie crust out of freezer and bake 20 minutes with parchment on top (waiting) and a pie weight or dried beans, then remove those and bake for another 20 minutes (waiting).  Let cool completely (more waiting).

Cook onion in a little bit of the bacon grease.  Mix eggs, maple syrup (yup, it tasted gross with the eggs too), spices, and water, add onion.  Pour into cooled pie shell, add half the bacon, bake 20 minutes, add other half of bacon then cook 20 more minutes.  I'm exhausted just typing out the steps.

Once I poured my egg mixture into the prepared pie crust, the crust began to float!  I'm not kidding you.  I'm thinking to myself, after all that work I hope this is supposed to happen.  When the quiche was done it had some egg in the bottom, then a layer of crust, then the egg and bacon on top... strange, eh?  Not the mention, the crust was practically burned after all the uncessary steps and fooling around with it.

This is what we had for supper last night and everyone said they liked it - huh?  I think maybe they were afraid to tell me they didn't after they saw the mood I was in after making it.  The maple syrup was too sweet and didn't "go" with the eggs, although the thyme with the bacon flavouring was a good mix.  I think my family only liked it because it was stuffed with bacon which is one of their favourite foods.

So, this is going into my "Recipe Bombs - Don't Make These!" file.  Sorry Martha.


from the book "Grimm's Fairytales"
by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm
Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
Junior Deluxe Editions, Garden City, New York
Nelson Doubleday, Inc.
story "Clever Else"


  1. Sheesh... I got tired just reading that! I cannot believe the crust started to FLOAT! That right there is a bad sign and a half... and the thing with the beans. Holey overkill batman!

    Quiche is supposed to be EASY! If you want my easy cheesy recipe let me know. I have it memorized! ...and it's soooo good!

  2. You're so funny Sarah! I had to smile when I read it, but I'm sorry it didn't turn out for you.

    I agree, I've always said that Martha's recipes have unnecessary steps and are more complicated than they need to be. I usually have to read through the recipes several time to make sure that I understand what she is asking me to do. I have learned to slim down what and compact what she does. I pre baked the crust too and it didn't turn out so I made another one. Ended up making it like I usually make quiche, hot oven for the first 10-15 min then turned down for the remaining time. I also didn't add as much maple syrup to mine (I don't like things sweet). I guess I should of mentioned the first crust failure on my post- oops!

    You're family is so kind! Have a nice day!

  3. Thank you girls :)

    Lyndsey you're so sweet. Wow, you actually made two crusts along with everything else :( You must not have been fit after finishing the recipe. I gotta pop over to your site now & read your post.

    Lolly you can see why I was in no mood to make the flower yesterday once I ran into instructions I didn't understand. I think my brain was just short-circuiting at that point is all ;o) I'd love your recipe!

  4. OMG that is a disaster worthy of the ones I've had with Martha's recipes! What a mess! I cannot believe your crust floated - that is just so weird. And your crust definitely looks burned. I thought the recipe had a lot of steps too, although I cheated and didn't refrigerate my crust, cooked it on convection and left the weights in the whole time..

  5. I've never wanted maple bacon so much until I saw this.
    I bet it wasn't as much as a bomb as you say.
    I still want to try it! Am I crazy?

  6. Sarah,
    I'm so sorry that it didn't turn out great - there were far too many steps, and I apologise for it being so long. Even I got bored of standing in the kitchen and checking on the pastry and quiche every few minutes. My family liked it though, although it was quite sweet.

  7. Oh, I love this post, its honesty and humor! And, like urban craft above, I'm completely intrigued by the recipe and still want to try it. How many of us haven't had recipe bombs like this, but at least you have the consolation of being able to blame it on Martha. I usually have only myself to blame for the doozies that I occasionally cook up.


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