
Friday, March 26, 2010

Frugal Friday: 10 Flowering Trees for $10 from Arbor Day Foundation

We love trees.  I grew up in an area of beautiful forests of spruce, pine and birch trees and my husband grew up in Maryland where the hillsides are stuffed with huge gorgeous hardwoods.  When we moved the Kansas we missed trees as it's prairie land here.  Beautiful, but we still missed trees. 

Picture from when we visited the Arbor Day Farm last year.

Our first mission was to plant some trees around our home.  We received a flyer in the mail from the Arbor Day Foundation for "10 Flowering Trees for $10" and placed our order.  That was 3 years ago and they are now planted in our yard.  Our trees arrived domant and looked like a package of sticks, but we followed the instructions closely and now they are in our yard growing.

Picture we took when we picked-up our free tree to take home after visiting Arbor Day Farm.

This year we received another mail package from the Arbor Day Foundation to renew our membership and receive 10 flowering bushes.  So, I completed the form and am excitedly waiting for them to arrive.

If you don't have any need for trees in your yard, why not donate some trees to a National Forest, give some as a gift,  plant a tree in memory of someone or in memory of a pet, give them as wedding favours, or how about a fundraiser, give for customer or employee appreciation and more.  All trees come with a full set of instructions for planting and care.  So even if your a new gardener like me, even you can plant and care for one.

One of our pictures from the Arbor Day Farm.

When we visitied the Arbor Day Farm, someone asked the Tour Guide "so are you a bunch of tree hugger's or what?".  The lady replied, "We may be Tree Huggers,but first We're Tree Planters".  The Arbor Day Foundation's mission is to

"encourage people to plant, nurture, and care about trees"
Picture from our vacation to the Arbor Day Farm.



  1. This is a great post! I grew up in Michigan where beautiful trees are everywhere. In our yard growing up we had sugar, northern, and silver maple, birch, apple, and a few flowering trees. I do miss the tree. Living in Florida for the past 20 years, now in my yard we have six live oak trees, complete with the spanish moss,(we have 2 lots) several palms, lemon, grapefruit, and banana trees. I love all of them too.

    What a great idea for a gift. Thanks for the info!

  2. Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for following my blog. I have a tree story to share but quite frankly, I'm exhausted right now. I've been trying to bake a cake for National Black Forest Cake Day tomorrow and I'm afraid even the "Cake Doctor" wasn't much help.

    Anyway, I'm liking your blog, lots and will return tomorrow when I'm as fresh as a daisy.

    I hope to be posting about Arbor Day on my blog. I'm going to save this link as a resource to include in my post if you don't mind.

    Thanks for sharing...

  3. Lyndsey - the trees in your yard sound beautiful and you're so lucky to have fruit trees :)

    Louise - I haven't had a Black Forest Cake in years and years. I'm not sure I've even seen them here in the USA, but it seems back home they were always in the cake display cases at the grocery store and Tim Horton's. I wonder if it's a Canadian thing, eh? Oh, they are sooo good. I'll have to read that recipe post for sure. "fresh as a daisy" cracked me up ;o)

  4. Sarah, thanks so much for sharing this information with us. We live on a property with such a steep incline that we mainly use trees or tall growning shrubs such as the English Laurel to landscape. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  5. Mary you're welcome. Our side yard is a steep hill as well and with trees there, we don't have to worry about mowing it so much. No fun riding the mower on an angle - eeeek! (although it does impress our son)...

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog!
    I love trees too! I'm always bugging my husband to put in another tree. He likes wide open space...I think he's hoping to play football with the boys in the backyard someday! But I'd rather fill it up with trees!

  7. Thank you for your sweet visit to my blog today! Great idea for giving a gift of the tree!
    Dee Dee

  8. We did this for Christmas. In addition to a couple of modest gifts, we made a donation so that trees could be planted.

  9. This really is a great deal. We've bought from them in the past. Coincidentally, I recently posted a picture of one of their trees that we bought a few years ago, a beautiful Japanese cherry blossom. They sell very healthy trees and shrubs. Most of our front yard shrubs and evergreens are from them. The price is right too.


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