
Monday, February 15, 2010

Recipe: Jelly-Filled Doughnut Muffins

While watching Food Network last week with hubby we saw something called a doughnut muffin featured.  My husband exclaimed, "Wouldn't those be awsome filled with jelly!".  So, that's what my sweethearts got for Valentines Day as their special treat from me.  I did an internet search, which took quite a while, and found the recipe here at I know, an unexpected place to find it, eh?

Oh, these were so delicious with their crunchy outside and moist chewy insides.  The texture reminded me of refridgerator rolls fresh from the oven.  You know how you can "knock" on the tops but the inside is still fluffy?  The jam inside gave a nice burst of flavour to these and the glazed tops added a bit of sweetness.

The muffins did take time to make.  Between the kneading, rising, punching, filling, folding, rising, baking and glazing there was alot of steps.  I think once I make it a few times it'll be a snap but will require some planning before hand to make sure I have enough time to do it.


Adapted from Elaine Magee's new cookbook, Fry Light, Fry Right: Fried-Food Flavor Without Deep Frying

1 cup milk
4 1/2 tablespoons canola oil, divided
1/4 cup light cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3 cups unbleached white flour (use 1/2 cup more, if needed, in kneading step)
1 packet active dry yeast (or about 2 teaspoons)
1/2 cup jelly of your choice (boysenberry, raspberry, and cherry work well

1. Place milk in a microwave-safe glass and microwave on high until fairly hot to the touch, about 1 minute. (Or put in a small saucepan and cook over low heat until just hot).

2. Place 2 tablespoons of the canola oil along with the cream cheese, sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric mixer on low until blended. Slowly pour the hot milk over the cream cheese mixture, and continue to beat until well blended.

3. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Here's the dough before needing and adding extra flour.  It felt like a jelly fish - ew!

4. Stir together 2 cups of the flour and the yeast in a large bowl. Add the flour mixture slowly to the milk mixture and beat on low until smooth. Beat in the remaining flour to make a soft dough. Turn the dough onto a well-floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes.
I added about an extra 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup flour while needing and it came together nicely.

5. Place the dough in a large mixing bowl that has been lightly coated with canola oil or canola margarine. Turn the dough over to coat the entire surface with oil. Cover bowl and let dough rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 1/4 hours.
After placing in muffin cups, I poked a hole in each one.

6. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the canola oil to the bottom of each of 16 muffin cups. Punch down the dough and split it into 16 equal-sized balls (about the size of golf balls). Using your hands, press each ball into a 1/2-inch thick circle, and then spoon 1 1/2 teaspoons of jelly into the middle. Bring up all the sides of the dough to wrap the jelly, squeezing the dough ends together well to seal. Place each ball in a muffin cup, and roll around to cover the entire surface with oil.
Fill each one with jelly (I used strawbettery), then fold over.

7. Let rise in a warm place until almost double in size, about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place the muffin tin in the oven and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until the tops of the doughnut muffins are nicely browned. Remove from the oven to cool. Top with a vanilla glaze if desired (made with 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 teaspoon water, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1/4 teaspoon almond extract).

Later this week, I'll post the Lobster Newburg recipe that I made last night.
Enjoy!  Sarah
Happily submitted to Mouthwatering Mondays over at A Southern Fairytale.  Check out her recipe for Pasta With Scallops, Shrimp, Basil and White Wine Sauce.  I can't wait to make it :) 

Happily submitted to Muffin Tin Mondays over at Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. how cute! that looks like a great recipe. thanks for sharing.

  2. What a fun recipe!!! I love the FN channel. :)

  3. Great idea. I may link your recipe to my school blog. I like to post things there that I think would appeal to the kids and make their moms' lives easier.

  4. i love jelly filled anything. and those muffin donuts look amazing.

  5. Looks good enough to eat (which is the whole point, I suppose...)!

  6. These sound wonderful!!!! Yet another recipe that I'm going to print off your site!

  7. those look amazing. My daughter is so excited about possibly making these sometime.


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