
Monday, February 1, 2010

Martha Mondys: Postcards

Today for Martha Mondays over at Martha and Me we're making postcards. I was excited to select this week's project.

I selected homemade postcards as found on her website here. On this site you'll find lots of interesting free templates and clip art to use in your crafts. Another template from this site I have on my list to try is the decorative jam labels.

The postcards were so easy to make. You simply download the template and print it onto medium (printer-safe) card stock. Then glue a 4x6 photo onto the front - voila! I decided to challenge myself and see if I could actually print the picture on the back instead of gluing it.

I couldn't get any of my photos to line up correctly, so I tried our MOMS Club logo. I needed some MOMS Club postcards to send as thank you notes. This worked out very well, as it was much easier to line up because I didn't have any borders to worry about.

I will continue to play around with printing on the front of these postcards, and will use this template often. Another idea I'm going to do, is to have the kids draw pictures on the front of these cards. We live away from all our family and I'm sure they'll appreciate these. They'll make a nice display on their fridge.

To see how this project turned out for others participating, go over to Martha Mondays at Martha and Me. If you'd like to participate, simply sign-up here where each week we take turns selecting what we'd like to try next. If you love all things Martha, this is a nice way to give her projects a try.

1 comment:

  1. This was a super fun project. And simple. I like simple! ;) I made thank you cards too. Well, they could be anything cards but my thought is for thank yous.
    I'm having some blogging issues but I'll post them next Monday. Hopefully I'll be up and running!


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