
Monday, February 15, 2010

Martha Mondays: Spinach Frittata

I had to include a picture of the Nova Scotia tartan in the background ;o)

I'm typing with my mouth full, boy this is good!  This week's Martha Monday's over at Martha and Me was selected by Karen from At Least Twice A Week.  I love the taste of the cheese, spinach and onion combination.  This was so easy to prepare and was ready in a flash!  There's no crust to worry about either.  I didn't have any Gruyere cheese so I substituted with Sharp Cheddar cheese and white onion instead of shallots.

Here's the scanned recipe.  I love love Everyday Food Magazine and have been subscribing for years.

page 44 of Jan/Feb 2010 Everyday Food

Enjoy!  Sarah


  1. Yours looks beautiful and tasty with the cheddar cheese! I think it looks better with the cheddar, more colorful! I used parmesan, I love cheese and eggs too. I just posted mine on my Tiny Skillet blog. We liked it too!


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