
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! This is a picture of our fest a couple years ago.

Our family will be travelling to visit our closest relatives this holiday. We're thankful to have family close enough to drive to as my family is over 4000 miles away and husband's 2000. It can be tough living away from your mom, dad, siblings, and cousins but this is where life (and my husband's job) has placed us. I am thankful that he is still employed in this tough economy and see the effects of it all around me in our community.

I found a beautiful Thanksgiving Prayer to share which is from The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod website.

This morning I asked our daughter to make a list of what she's thankful for (I typed it as she wrote it, spelling mishaps and all ;o)

I am thankful for...

My family, My cosins, My voice, halloween, dressing up, My friend's, My dog, Christmas, gifts, My hose, My little brother, My playhose, My blow up slide, and our freedom.

I hope you all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

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