
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Recipe: Brown Batter Bread

I've done it! I've found a great no-kneed recipe for bread that's easy, healthy, can be easily used for sandwiches and tastes great!

I've been struggling for a while to find a recipe that I can make on a regular basis for our family. A recipe that's fairly quick, not too messy, doesn't involve allot of kneading, and tastes good. Well ladies and gentleman, I've found it in my favourite cookbook by Jean Pare's Company's Coming, Cooking for Two.


No kneading required. Just the pleasant task of consuming.

1 tsp. Granulated sugar

1 1/4 cups Warm water

1 Tbsp. Active dry yeast

2 cups Whole wheat flour

2 Tbsp. Cooking oil (I used Canola Oil)

2 Tbsp. Mild molasses

1 tsp. salt

1 cup All-purpose flour

Stir sugar into warm water in large bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand for 10 minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast.

Add next 4 ingredients. Beat on low to moisten (I just used our hand beaters). Beat on medium-high for 2 minutes.

Work in remaining flour (I used a wooden spoon, then my hands to make it into a ball and combine it all). Cover with greased waxed paper (I used parchment paper) and tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed for 40-45 minutes until doubled in bulk.

Stir batter down. Spoon into greased glass loaf pan (I don't know why it says stir, I just transferred the loaf ball after stirring it down with a wooden spoon). Cover with greased waxed paper (again I used parchment) and tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed for 20 minutes until doubled in size or just up to top edge of pan. (I put it in the microwave instead as I wanted to preheat the oven to 375 and have it ready).

Bake in 375 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes.

Makes 1 loaf. Cuts into 16 slices.

(After letting it cool on the rack for about 30 minutes, I cut it with an electric knife).

I have a bread machine but I can't find a consistent bread recipe and the bread tends to come out too light and airy for sandwiches. Found lots of good dough recipes for the bread maker and I'll post about those soon.

I borrowed Artisan Bread in Five Minutes cookbook from the library but I don't have the suggested stone for baking yet, so I returned the book until I get the right equipment.

I haven't tried the old fashioned type recipe that involves kneading because I simply don't know what I'm doing! The recipe will say something like "kneed until texture is good enough" and I think.. huh? I'll post when I find a good old fashioned recipe.

Our house smells wonderful with all this bread baking going on... mmmm.

Happily submitted to Works for Me Wednesday over at We Are THAT Family (such a hilarious site to read!).


  1. I am going to try that bread! Yum!

    As far as kneading - when the dough is smooth and elastic (just like it sounds - if you pull off a bit, it'll stretch like elastic), you're ready. If you aren't using whole wheat flour, you can take a little piece and stretch it as thin as you can, and it should be see-through ("windowpane" is what they call that). Really, though, it's not an exact science. If you didn't knead it enough, it will still be bread, just maybe not have as nice of a texture. Basic bread - flour, yeast, salt, sugar, water - is not going to break the bank, so it's not too scary to just give it a try!

  2. Thanks for the great comments girls! Jaz your kneading explainations are just so helpful. I think I'm brave enough now to get my hands dirty!
    Sarah :)

  3. Looks amazing!

    I'm loving your blog!

    I just started a new blog and would love it if you would stop by! Eliza’s blog

  4. This bread looks spectacular. Thank you for the recipe.


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