
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our Books from the Library this Week

We love going to our local library and getting books! I love to grab cookbooks from the shelves such as What Can I Bring? Cookbook by Anne Byrn. Our little guy, 3, pretty much loves anything with trucks and our daughter is now into chapter books but I usually reserve picture books to keep her interest in reading. It can be overwhelming walking in the library (with kids!) and trying to decide what to get and, if you're like most mom's, don't have long to pick something.

So, my solution is to reserve books online through the library's website. If the library doesn't have it, then I reserve it online through inter-library loan. Within a few days I get a phone call saying all our books are ready at the front desk.. amazing! All I have to do it pick them up and enjoy!

This week I'm reading Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House. I first read about it on one of my favourite mommy blogs Crooked House. This book is so scarey. What a perfect time of year to read a spine chilling book. I love a thriller and it's been year's since I've read one.

Our 8 year old daughter's reading The Curious Garden by Peter Brown, Eleanor by Barbara Cooney, The Magic Tree by James & Ruth McCrea, Chanticleer and the Fox by Barbara Cooney, and One Hen by Katie Smith Milway. I read about these wonderful books on another mommy blog Our Home on the Range. She gives great book reviews and we've enjoyed reading many of her recommendations.

Our 3 year old son has a pile of books withdrawn from the library this week but his favourite's are Red Truck by Kersten Hamilton and Elephant in a Well by Marie Hall Ets. Our theme's for the month with his reading are the colour Red, and Mice. I simply do a keyword subject search on the library's website and get all kinds of interesting book suggestions to reserve.

We are blessed with our local library as it's shelves are still full of very old books. Some might see this as a bad thing but I think it's wonderful to take out a book that was first printed in the 60's and have it be an original edition. Our library is packed full of these little treasures.
So, what's everyone else reading this week?

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