
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Green and Frugal Cleaning: Laundry Soap Options

Passionate Homemaking is one of the many blogs I follow and enjoy. She has many great tips on natural alternatives to cleaners and personal care products. She's recently posted about a new liquid laundry detergent made from Soap Nuts.

I'm a "newbie" when it comes to going green (yes, I started recycling just this year) so this soap is completely new to me. I've read about Charlie's Soap, Dr. Bonner's Soap, and homemade laundry soap so far.

I've switched over to the Arm & Hammer liquid soap until I get this all figured out. I've always washed in cold and would like to continue. I'll certainly give this new soap a try and will blog about what laundry soap I've found to be the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's good to find another Kansas City metro blogger (I saw your post on Mom2MomKC).

    I write 2 blogs:
    The Homeschooler's Guide to the Galaxy
    Loving Nature's Garden

    At The Homeschooler's Guide to the Galaxy I blog book reviews, learning online, and (right now) back to school stuff.

    At Loving Nature's Garden I blog about nature, gardening and sustainability - caring about the Earth and being a bit more green.

    Do come over and visit and e-mail me (you'll find my e-mail address at my blogs) if you need any blog feedback or help.


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