
Monday, August 24, 2009

A Fashionable Small Town SAHM?

I read a post by Ali over at The Cleaner Plate Club recently and it had me laughing out loud. She lives in a small town, like me, and found herself at an outdoor (unexpected) upscale party feeling a little out of place... sans a down vest.

The premise of this post is that she ended up finding a great at-home "green" dry cleaning tip from a kitten heeled, cashmere sweater wearing lady. How unexpected!

I laughed so hard at this post mainly because I often laugh at my own transformation to small town SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). I used to blow dry my hair, get dressed-up, dawn a pair of high heels and work everyday. I love fashion and getting dressed-up, yet as I sit here typing this post I'm in my jammies still at 8am - gasp!

I often laugh at my own daily "mom wear" of jeans, sneakers (or as you American's call it "running shoes"), and t-shirts (I like to call them "mom shirts"). Very functional but not very fashionable. Whenever I run "into town" to go shopping I have to double-check myself to make sure I'm fashionable enough to shop at the mall and get some respect from the sales people. It's true, they won't give you the time of day with running shoes on.

I have a "mom" section in my closet and a "dress-up" section. I can hang out at the park and feel fashionable, or go to one of my husband's fancy work functions. My goal is to create a nice "in between" section.. not too frumpy, not too dressed-up. I've vowed never to wear athletic pants or Crocs and have (thus far) resisted the temptation. Although, I do love my rubber boots when outside in our yard and LOVE my down vest.

Be sure to read Ali's post and enjoy this laugh with me :)

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