
Friday, September 10, 2010

Wedding Following Hurricane Earl

My sister was married last weekend immediately following Hurricane Earl's direct hit in Nova Scotia.  You can find their beautiful engagement photographs over at Inspired Images and I'll link their wedding photos once they're posted.  She was married at Oceanstone Inn and Cottages an hour after the hurricane hit.

Day before the wedding the resort was building a sea wall.
The beautiful bride's hair and make-up is done.

The beauty salon finished our wedding hair
then closed as the hurricane was upon us.

It took us 4 hours to drive 1 hour away during the storm. There are only two roads to get to where we were going and 1 was blocked by downed trees, the other by ocean water that came up over the road.

The staff at Oceanstone was able to pull off a full ceremony, five course gourmet meal, a wedding reception, followed by pizza, all with no power, on generators, immidiately following a hurricane.  Not bad at all!

After the wedding festivities we spent a couple days here and enjoyed the ocean, family and lots of seafood.


  1. How wonderful you got to visit and what unfortunately timing for the hurricane. Lots of seafood sounds good to me though!

  2. It looks beautiful, even after the hurricane. I love your pics. It looks like you all had a great time!

  3. Sarah,
    I have NEVER been East past Montreal... and I have been dying to get to the Maritimes... what beautiful country and I just don't feel fully Canadian until I make it there... "fare thee well to Nova Scotia the East bound coast..." Your sister is GORGEOUS" the quintessential bride. What a wonderful, happy celebration.
    I see you finally have subscribe by e-mail - so I will no longer be missing ANY of your posts.

  4. A very beautiful said everything!

  5. Tammi said that she met you! How cool. What a memorable day, one of the good ones! Married in a hurricane:) We had such lovely weather before and after!

  6. Hello, Sarah, and welcome back from beautiful, beautiful Nova Scotia. It sounds as though your sister's wedding was one to be remembered for all the years to come. Getting married in a hurricane! How romantic is that? I'm glad that you had a nice rest and enjoyed your homeland, and sampled all that delicious seafood. What kind did you have? Did you have scallops?
    We were expecting hurricane Earl to land here in the Mid Atlantic coast, but he decided to head for Queen's county and Halifax. A friend of mine (also named Sarah), was visiting here from Halifax for the Labor Day weekend. She found very minimal damage to her home when she got back. One of the things that impresses me about Canadians, is how steadfast they are when dealing with the weather. From the blizzards of Newfoundland, to the freezing weather of Edmonton, they just grin and bear it. I get a lot of kidding from my Canadian friends when they hear that there is a foot of snow on the ground here in Philadelphia, and schools and businesses have closed!

  7. Ladies thank you for all your kind comments!

    Suzie - I so wish I could've met you while in NS. Our schedule was so crammed that I didn't even make it to the Halifax waterfront to see the new Farmer's Market there :(

    Valerie - Alberta is a gorgeous province too. I loved seeing the mountains for the first time and the fly into beautiful Calgary. Spectacular place to live and explore.

    Alice - I loved meeting Tammi too. She's so talented and I love the vivid colours in all her pictures.

    Ana - I'm so happy the storm missed you. Philidelphia gets it's share of bad weather too. There's nothing like a good snow storm in the city! I remember when we lived in Toronto and the street cars would keep going even during a blizzard.. cool!


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