
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pray With Me for Faith

My cousin's little girl, Faith (6 years old),
has herpes encephalitis of the brain

She's in a children's hospital now and
I would ask you to keep her in your prayer's please.

Faith with her 4 year old sister Dakoka.
Picture taken recently just before she got sick.

"Lord Jesus, look down from heaven upon our little girl, Faith, and make her well again soon."


  1. Sarah, I'm so sorry about little Faith. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with her.

  2. Little Faith is darling and I will be praying for her as well.

  3. Prayers offered up! She's a beautiful little girl.

  4. Oh Sarah. I'm so sorry. :( My prayers are most definitely with Faith and her family.

  5. So, so sorry. Prayers are with you. May you all receive comfort at this time and know that you are loved and supported.


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