
Monday, April 5, 2010

Recipe: Orange Puff Pudding

My camera broke last week so I'm posting a Vintage Recipe each day until it's fixed.  Here's one I would love to try.  It comes from one of my Nana's cookbooks that was handed down to me.

From the book "Cooking with Casseroles"
by The Editors of Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine
1958 Lane Publishing Company

from "Cooking with Casseroles"

1 cup fine dry bread crumbs
1 cup milk
Juice and grated peel of 1/2 orange
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
2 egg yolks
1/8 teaspoon salt
4 egg whites
1/3 cup sugar

Cover bread crumbs with milk and let stand a few minutes.   Stir in orange juice, peel, lemon juice, and beaten egg yolks.  Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff but not dry.  Gradually beat in sugar.  Fold into crumb mixture and pour into a greased baking dish.  Set in a pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 35 to 40 minutes, until firm.  Serves 6 with ample portions.

Golden Sauce
1/3 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup milk
Grated peel of 1/2 orange
2 egg yolks
1 Tablespoon orange juice
1 Tablespoon lemon juice

Place butter, sugar, salt, milk, grated orange peel, and egg yolks in top of double boiler.  Cook over hot water, stirring constantly until thickened.  Add orange and lemon juice.  Serve warm over Orange Puff Pudding.

For a printable verstion of this recipe go here.

Below is a picture of my Mother-In-Law with her baby brother and father taken in 1935.  I love how you can see how much she adores her brother in this photo.  She wanted to share this with our daughter as they both have a little brother 4 years younger.



  1. Yum, that recipe sounds really good! I have been off of work and cooking more...I am going to write this down to give it a try! Love your family picture! This something so special about older photo's.
    Have a great day :)

  2. Glad you stopped by my blog. I would love to see the doll cake when you make it. Have a great night with your left over ham pizza. Staci @

  3. Sarah, I have a cookbook that used to be my Grandma's that was handed down to me too. I've actually never made anything from it but I keep telling myself I will one of these days. And that pic of your MIL and her baby brother.....priceless!


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If you make any of these recipes, please link back your results.