
Friday, February 12, 2010

Frugal Friday: Free Printable Paper Dolls

I saw a link on Happy Hearts at Home for Free Printable Paper Dolls so I printed one for my daughter.  When I gave it to her she exclaimed, "What's a paper doll?".  What?  She doesn't know what a paper doll is?  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but it's true.  With Barbie's, Polly Pockets and all the cheap dolls nowadays, girls don't really need to turn to paper dolls... or do they?  Of course every girl needs to know about paper dolls.

So, for Valentine cards for her class we selected a paper doll and made cards with them.  We did this instead of attaching a candy to the Valentine.  The doll we selected for the girls found here and boys found here.  Another place we checked was Family Crafts where there's links to all kinds of free paper doll printables.

After printing the dolls on card stock, my daughter cut out heart shapes from felt and sewed them on using a button.  For the boys, we selected a football paper doll and she cut-out and sewed a felt monster on the front with two buttons.  Aren't they darling?

Babalisme has some amazing printables on her blog that she's created.  Make sure to check out her Printables to Print section under labels and pepare to be amazed.
Christmas Dolls on Bablisme here
Bablisme links to Paper Doll Printables & Magnetic Doll Instructions here.

A friend of mine was looking for a Wonder Woman paper doll for her daughter.  I haven't found anything for her yet, but found more free printable paper doll links here.

Enjoy!  Sarah

See more Frugal Friday ideas over at Life As Mom.


  1. Cute cards! Aren't they fun! I've got many scattered throughout my blog, and more saved to my computer. I did the magnetized paper dolls which are nice for traveling with them. I found a little metal tray at the dollar store for them - easy an inexpensive fun.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. :)

  2. I have lots of paper dolls and paper toy links on my site here:

    I love that you used these instead of candy!

    For your daughter for Valentine's Day, you might also be interested in printing these Valentine's paper dolls:

  3. Thanks for visiting ladies. I'll have to check those links out now :)


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