
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monthly Care Package to Iraq

Today I mailed our monthly care package to our "adopted" soldier in Iraq. I read about this program in a magazine, looked up the website and thought why not? We always wanted to do our part to support our troops but hadn't quite found a way and this was it!

I signed-up online and, within a few days, received a confirmation phone call, then we received an email with our soldier's name and shipping address. I requested a female soldier as I'd be more familiar with what she might like to receive. Our soldier is 19 and is serving in Iraq.

Our commitment is to send care packages monthly and correspondence weekly for the length of their deployment. We've sent two boxes previously with lots of goodies. The website has lots of ideas for what you can/can't send and there is a survey your soldier can fill out with their preferences.
This month we're sending DVD's, gum, tea, power drink mixes, tuna, candy, etc. Last month we sent pain relievers, itch relievers, lotions, shampoo, magazines, candy (always), and other personal care items. I try to change it up each time, so next month I'll be sending mostly books.

The post-office's large flat-rate boxes are only $11.95 to mail to Iraq. I can stuff it as full and as heavy as I like. It's just so easy to make these care packages and send them!

We are so thankful for her service in Iraq.

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